How to Plan Your 24 Hours to Achieve More Than You Think

My personal approach to managing time, improving productivity, and working toward goals while maintaining balance and well-being.

Waitlist Goal: 100 Subscribers

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Explore time management techniques that have helped me balance productivity with well-being

Ideas for creating a daily schedule that works with your natural energy cycles

Thoughts on prioritizing what truly matters in your 24 hours

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What I Hope to Share

Time Blocking Approaches

Some ideas on allocating time to different activities and protecting your productive hours for important tasks.

Energy Management

Thoughts on working with your natural energy cycles to improve productivity while maintaining your physical and mental well-being.

Finding Balance

Ideas for balancing professional responsibilities, personal projects, and life enjoyment that have worked for me.

Thibaut Viel

"I'm 30 years old and still have so much to learn. Over the years, I've been focused on finding a balance between productivity and well-being. After graduating from engineering school in France and working as a senior engineer before becoming a founder, I've experienced firsthand the challenges of managing time in demanding environments.

This guide represents my honest view on time blocking after reading 20+ books on productivity and experimenting with different approaches. I don't claim to have all the answers—there are certainly other solutions that might work better for you. What I'm sharing is simply what has helped me in my pursuit to master the various skills I've taken on—coding, sports, mixology, games, and other interests. For me, building proper systems and time management practices has been essential to developing proficiency in these areas.

I hope some of these ideas might be helpful to you too. I believe we can accomplish meaningful things without sacrificing our well-being or living in constant "hustle mode." This is just my perspective—take what resonates and leave what doesn't."

— Thibaut Viel

Join Me on This Journey

If you're interested in my perspective on time management, I'd be grateful if you joined the waitlist.